Same Old Story
It just keeps getting better, doesn't it? Banks buying jets with the bailout money. Wall Street brokerage houses paying out billions in bonuses while their customers wonder how they're ever going to retire with what's left of their investment portfolio. Governors selling Senate seats to the highest bidder.
And now the leaders we've elected can't seem to find anyone to help them run the country, because none of the people they want to appoint have paid their fucking taxes. Our elected leaders go on a rampage about how irresponsible the Wall Street millionaires are, meanwhile all their friends are holding out on Uncle Sam.
Give. Me. A. Break.
Aren't there any good guys left? Isn't there anyone who knows how to do the right thing? You know, just normal everyday things, like not humping your intern and paying your fucking taxes. Isn't there anyone we can look to and see hope?
Take the bible thumpers out. Liars and hypocrites. Don't look to the corporate executive ranks, they're thieves and cheaters. Athletes? Thugs and wannabes. The Arts? Come on.
I don't care if someone smoked a joint at some point in their life. In fact, it's probably better if they have. But show me some common sense, huh? If you're a politician, you live in a high profile world. Take care of your business, okay? Do the right thing and pay your taxes.
Okay, that's enough. I need to watch a funny movie or something. Reality pisses me off.